Lib Dems tell Council – Stop risking money on commercial properties and stop wasting money on empty council buildings
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council are calling on the Conservative administration at County Hall to stop further investment in commercial property outside of Surrey and instead to prioritise County Council owned vacant buildings either to be used to provide services or to be sold or let.
Cllr Hazel Watson, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council, said today:
“The County Council has invested in a large property portfolio outside of Surrey despite its clear inability to properly utilise its own buildings within Surrey.
“The Conservative administration at County Hall has invested £199m in commercial properties outside of Surrey which is 77.1% of its investment portfolio. This is a huge amount of money and a huge proportion of funding which will not improve services and will not increase economic growth in Surrey. These investments in warehouses, office buildings, a cinema and retail premises across the country in places such as Wiltshire, Salford and Macclesfield are putting public money at risk. The risk is that the costs of maintenance, professional advisers, rates and other costs of these properties will exceed the rent received, such as if the tenant leaves and if the building becomes outdated. It is not uncommon for office buildings to be vacant as they become outdated and retail premises are becoming increasingly risky investments given the trend for shopping online.
“These risks are likely to increase as the Conservative administration’s stated intention is to invest up to £1bn by 2021 with a maximum return of only 2%. This low rate of return gives very little room for manoeuvre if problems arise, costs increase and therefore the risk of making a loss increases.
“Whilst amassing a large property portfolio outside of Surrey, the County Council owns a significant number of vacant buildings, some of which have been vacant for years such as the former Adult Education Centre in Dene Street, Dorking and the Pond Meadow school site in Guildford. This is a waste of money as these assets are unutilised, deteriorating, and thus losing value whilst they make a loss as they incur costs such as rates, maintenance and security.
“Details of the Conservative administration’s commercial property investments and its own vacant properties are shrouded in secrecy. I have been forced to submit formal questions to obtain basic information about the County Councils publicly funded commercial properties and Freedom of Information Act requests about the County Council’s own vacant properties. It is clearly a source of embarrassment to the Conservative administration to make this information readily available to the public.
“The Conservatives at County Hall needs to get their priorities right. It is unacceptable and risky to invest huge sums of money in properties outside Surrey whilst leaving its own buildings vacant, deteriorating, losing value and losing money. The County Council is not a property company and its primary role is to provide services to Surrey residents. The message is for the County Council to stop risking public money on commercial properties outside Surrey and to stop wasting money on empty council buildings.”
Images of 3 empty County Council buildings can be found here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/146827888@N06/albums/72157689031845846/with/36782710253/
A link to Cllr Watson’s Cabinet question on empty properties can be found here (page 9):
A link to Cllr Watson’s Cabinet question on commercial property can be found here (page 10):
A link to the Council Motion to be discussed on Tuesday 10th October can be found here under item 8(i):
A link to the amount of commercial property outside of Surrey can be found here:
The Annual Report of the Investment Board can be found here:
A copy of Cllr Watson’s Freedom of Information request on empty properties can be found here:
Disappointment as Tory cuts hit Community Recycling Centres across Surrey
(The opening times of the Witley site, one of five “strategic” sites, is not affected)
Liberal Democrat county councillors in Surrey have expressed their disappointment following a decision today by the Conservative Cabinet to slash the opening hours of Community Recycling Centres across the county and increase charges for residents.
The decision will see Community Recycling Centres close for an extra 20 days a week, as well as an end to the free daily allowance. The Cabinet decision follows a petition handed in by Liberal Democrat campaigners of 3,245 signatures, plus an enormous response to the county council’s own consultation of 13,637 people.
Cllr Stephen Cooksey, Liberal Democrat Environment Spokesperson, said:
“I addressed the Conservative Cabinet today, in order to object to these ill thought out proposals and to hold the Conservatives to account for their decisions. I recognise the difficult financial position that central government has imposed on the County Council but just 3 months ago, in June, the Cabinet were out campaigning for that government’s return and must therefore carry equal responsibility for the refusal of that government to ensure adequate funding for this Council to maintain services to its residents.
“CRC’S were a success story – they provided residents with a helpful and convenient method of disposing of waste; they helped Councils to improve their waste collections; they made a major contribution to improving our environment and they were a significant deterrent to fly tipping.
“I believe, as do the majority of my residents, that the remaining package including the increased charges and closure days are self-defeating and unacceptable and am fearful that the reduced waste collections will lead to damage to the environment and increased fly tipping. Surrey residents deserve so much better than this.”
– The Cabinet decision can be found here:
Save the Surrey Performing Arts Library!
Save the Surrey Performing Arts Library which is under threat of closure by Surrey County Council.
The Library, which is currently based near Dorking at Denbies Wine Estate, houses a truly unique collection of music, theatre, orchestral and dance materials available for public loan. Surrey residents have been given just two weeks to respond to the County Council’s online consultation.
The Liberal Democrats have launched a petition to save the Surrey Performing Arts Library:
“We value the unique service provided by Surrey’s Performing Arts Library and call upon Surrey County Council to retain the service, with staff, on one site and in its current format for the benefit of all Surrey residents”.
Drop-in surgery
My next drop-in surgery for Godalming North will be held on Saturday October 14th, 11:00 am to midday, in the Church Room of St John’s Church, Farncombe.
Repair the Boarden Bridge
The Boarden Bridge comes under Surrey County Council’s Countryside Team, who I met with this week to see what we could do about progressing repairs. We are looking to a variety of County, and local sources for funding and I hope to have some news on this soon.
In the meantime it has been fascinating learning about this historic piece of Godalming:
Until 1870 Borough Road was just a short stretch of road between the parish church and what is today the former vicarage, extending as far as the animal Pound just past the bottom of the churchyard. The road then narrowed to a track way down to the River Wey and the wooden Boarden Bridge was the only means of crossing the river on the western side of Godalming. More Here.
Children at The Boarden Bridge in 1906, from Francis Firth.
Lib Dems highlight ‘unsafe’ care homes in Surrey
Liberal Democrat county councillors have expressed their concern after it was revealed that 6 care homes in Surrey are rated as “Unsafe” by the Care Quality Commission and have contracts with Surrey County Council. The information was revealed following a question tabled by Cllr Hazel Watson, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council, to the Conservative Cabinet this week.
Read more on the Surrey Lib Dems website here.
Save Surrey’s Tips – petition
We the undersigned call upon Surrey County Council to reverse its decision to close Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) at Bagshot, Cranleigh, Dorking and Warlingham, and oppose its plans to significantly reduce the opening hours of all other CRCs across the county by two days per week, and introduce further charges for the disposal of waste.
“We believe that the closure of these amenities and reduced opening hours of others could lead to an increase in fly-tipping leading to further costs for boroughs, districts and landowners as well as the blight to the environment.
“We call upon the County Council to ensure that all sites remain open, with no reduction in opening hours or increase in charges”.
Click here to sign the Petition
Farncombe Road closures
Details on the interactive Surrey County map here.
July 15 -16th Farncombe Street Railway Crossing with diversions around Station Road – Summers Road
July 17th – 11th September Deanery Road for Gasworks. Diversion up Frith Hill Road to Charterhouse.